Christian Churches of God
Feet Shod
with the Gospel
of Peace
(Edition 1.0 200807258-20241222)
In this lesson we will review the main points associated with the Gospel of Peace We will also look at the concept of the priesthood ministering with bare feet and the association to the foot washing ceremony at Passover. We will offer a variety of activities that can be done to reinforce the concepts.
Christian Churches of God
PO Box 369, WODEN
(Copyright © 2008, 2024 Christian Churches of God, ed. Wade Cox)
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Feet Shod
with the Gospel of Peace
To review the basic concepts related to feet and the Gospel.
1. Children will learn when the priests ministered with bare feet.
2. Children will identify when baptized members are bare foot.
3. Children will identify why the Gospel must be preached to the world.
4. Children will identify when the end will come.
Lesson: Ministering with Bare Feet (No. CB67)
Relevant Scriptures:
Philippians 1:27
Matthew 24:14
Open with prayer.
Feet shod with the Gospel of Peace
Activity associated with Feet shod with the Gospel of Peace
Close with prayer.
Read: Feet Shod with the Gospel of Peace (No. CB127)
Questions and Answers:
Q1. Will the smallest letter or stroke pass
away from the Law until all is accomplished?
A. No, the smallest letter of the Law will not change or pass away until all is accomplished (Mat. 5:18). Therefore, we know the Gospel is the same and is tried, tested and true.
Q2. What needs to be preached to the entire world before Messiah can return to the Earth?
A. The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached for a witness to the entire world before Messiah can return (Mat. 24:14).
A. Yes, the first goal of the Church is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God as it was given to Jesus Christ (Mat. 4:17, 10:7, 11:1; Mk. 1:38-39; Mk. 3:14, 16:15; Lk. 4:43, 9:60).
A. The Church is to preach good tidings unto the meek, bind up the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, open the prison to those that are bound (or bruised) (Isa. 61:1), and the recovery of sight to the blind (Lk. 4:18). It is to heal the sick (Lk. 9:2). There are untold thousands of people that are sick, depressed, abused and hurting. Yet once we know and understand God’s Plan, repent and receive the Holy Spirit, God’s healing powers come upon us and we can go on to do many great things.
A. Christ charged his disciples to preach the gospel of repentance, giving them authority over the demons or unclean spirits (Mk. 6:7,12; Lk. 10:1,17-20). We, as the Church, have this same charge placed upon us.
A. His name was Saul, and he actually tried to kill God’s people initially.
Q7. If the Church is responsible to preach the
Acceptable Year of the Lord (Lk. 4:19) what does that mean?
A. Another thing the Church is responsible for is to preach the Acceptable Year of the Lord. This means making all the planet aware of Eloah’s Calendar and commanded days of worship. Each and every individual of the Church helps show people the days we worship since we are not at school, work, in the stores or shops on God’s Sabbaths.
A. The second goal of the Church is the caring and teaching by the Elders or ministers (Acts 20:28). These men attempt to teach everywhere in every Church (1Cor. 4:17).
A. Time is drawing close to when we will not be able to labour and work. The Witnesses and Messiah will take over and our work will be done and we will follow their direction.
A. No, they were not; the priests served in the Tabernacle and Temple with bare feet.
Q11. Who was told “the place where you stand is
Holy ground, take off your shoes”?
A. Moses (Ex. 3:5) and Joshua (Ex. 5:15).
A. Yes, the Gospel is compared to a mustard seed, which is very small but under the right conditions it can grow into a tall tree. So it is with the Gospel as it is preached and spreads throughout the nations (Mat 13:31,32; Mk. 4:30-33; Lk. 13:18).
A. Yes, it is. Here we see the Gospel compared to valuable items: a pearl of great price (Mat. 13:45-46; Lk. 13:20-21); a treasure hidden in a field (Mat. 13:44). It was common to hide treasure in the ground in ancient times.
Q14. Is there still time to work to get the Gospel out to the world?
A. Yes, there is still time; but the Bible talks of the famine of the word when the Gospel will no longer be preached.
Q15. Is there a time when the elect are sealed and no one else is allowed into the First Resurrection?
A. Yes. Though God is holy, righteousness, goodness, perfect and truth, there will be a time when entrance to the First Resurrection is closed.
Allow the
children to see how things grow – such as bean plants – and make the analogy of
the Gospel being a plant and growing and spreading over the Earth and feeding
and spiritually nourishing all. The Gospel is compared to these living things:
a mustard seed (Mat. 13:31-32; Mk. 4:30-33; Lk. 13:18-19), and a good seed
(Mat. 13:24-30; 36-43).
experiment with leaven/yeast (Mat. 13:33): allow the children to make pizza or
pretzels etc. Tie the yeast to the concept of a small living organism that
grows and assists other things to come to completion. The pretzels can also have course salt placed on them and the concept that ‘we are the
salt of the world’ can be brought in.
The pretzels can be made into an outline of a sandal, foot etc.
3. Footprints to taking the Gospel to the world:
Supplies: paper, paint, disposable aluminium pans, paper towel or rags to clean feet and area to clean up. May also want to have children walk on the paper outside and then just wash up by an outdoor water hose.
Preparation: have sheets of butcher’s paper or roll of white paper cut to 3 foot lengths, pour paint into pans, if it there is even a slight wind weight each paper so it does not blow and make things more challenging. Have a place where the papers are able to dry flat so the paint does not run
Warm up: have all the children sit in a circle and take off their shoes and place the shoes in the middle of circle. Ask the children how many toes they have and review the items that deal with 10, with special focus on that through the 7 churches, 2 witnesses and Messiah, the Gospel is taken to the world.
* Items with 10:
i.Messiah, 2 Witnesses, 7 Churches
ii. 10 tables of show bread, lampstands and lavers in the temple Solomon built
iii.Ten typically means ordinal completeness and a new commencement as one in the new series.
Next, review what the priests wore on their feet when they ministered in the Temple. Ask the children to name individuals that were asked to remove their sandals since the place where they stood was holy ground (Moses, Joshua, all priests, the High Priest and all baptized adult members at Passover for the foot-washing).
Once the review is completed have children run over the area that the footprint will be made.
Complete the children’s footprints, clean children’s feet, have children sit and wait for other children. Once all children are ready, on the cue from the adult, they run to the pile of shoes and see who can get their shoes on first and seated in their original places.
Review with the children, just as they all raced to get back to their shoes, we all should work hard while taking the Gospel to the world. Have the children consider what “steps”/footprints they will take to help get the Gospel to the world. Assist the younger children with thinking of realistic things they can do to assist with taking the Gospel to the world. Once the paint dries, each step is then written down beside each footprint.
Adaptations: rather than having the children dip their feet in paint, they can trace a footprint and cut it out of construction paper and glue the footprints on the paper and proceed as above.
4. Make a simple leather moccasin or sandal.
5. Decorate simple canvas shoes.